Welcome to RV Lifestyle Community

Connect with fellow RVers and and Campers

Why The RV Lifestyle Community?

We bring together RVers, Campers, and Outdoor enthusiasts to share trips, tips, troubleshooting, and DIY tweaks and tricks to enhance our travel experiences, make friends, connect with resources, and have fun!

Why here? Frankly, we're fed up with Facebook and other Big Tech social media platforms that arbitrarily determine what will be seen, censor, change rules, keep and trade our personal information, and bury our posts and comments so that valuable tips and information is hard to see. We also don't like the nastiness that Big Tech seems to allow. 

Here, we, the community, can control all those things.

This community is organized and run by Mike and Jennifer Wendland, podcasters, YouTubers, Bloggers, and outdoor and camping travel authors. We have a dedicated team of moderators and community managers to keep things civil and helpful. 

And by the way, this is free. We don't charge to belong. We're all in this together.

What We Do Here

We think this community is pretty special. We’re laser-focused on enhancing the RV, Camping, and Outdoor experience in every possible way. And by tapping into the collective experience and wisdom of our many members, we help others - veterans and newbies - find new places, camp and travel better, and get reliable information from real RVers and campers.

Here are a few of the things you can do as a member of The RV Lifestyle Community:

  • Connect and make friends with a wide network of fellow RVers and campers.
  • Gain access to valuable advice, resources, and knowledge from experienced outdoor enthusiasts.
  • Enhance your travel experiences through shared tips, troubleshooting, and DIY tweaks.
  • Get insider tips and resources that will make your travel and camping time more fun and efficient
  • Find and be invited  to special MeetUps, Campouts, Rallies, RV Shows, and special events 
  • Live chats with Mike and Jennifer Wendland - Engage in our live chat sessions with experienced RVers or leading experts in the field. This will help underpin key issues around camping and outdoor adventures, thus broadening the understanding of outdoor experiences and ensuring an enriching learning experience.

It's all free

When you join The RV Lifestyle Community today, you’ll get immediate access to everything. You can read and post, ask and answer questions,

Welcome aboard!